Wednesday, August 28, 2013


"Write," HE says.

But I don't really have a blog.  At least not one that I want to use...

"Write," HE says.

But I don't know how to make a new one.  At least not a pretty new one.  I want the blog to look like "me", YOU know?  I don't want it to look cheesy.  I want it to be appealing to the eye... good fonts, nice layout... not too trendy..  I don't want to start writing a new blog until it looks good...

"Write," HE says.

But I don't really have anything all that special to say.  I mean, I know that we have good conversations, but who really wants to read that?  I know that YOU've shown me a lot of stuff that I think is really cool!  But I don't want to look like I think I'm something special or something...

"Jenna," HE softly speaks to me as HE leans in closer.  "Write."

I really want to LORD... but...

That's been the conversation.  Back and forth for a couple of years now.  HE says write.  I can't seem to figure out how.  Or I can't make the time.  Or I don't have the skills.  Or...  You know how it goes. The list of excuses is forever long.

But in the still moments, when I dare to ask what more do YOU want from me LORD?  HE whispers, "Write."  I know the words before I even finish the question.

So here I am.
My blog isn't all that appealing to the eye.
The fonts aren't what I would want them to be.
I'm not really all that qualified.
But HE's calling me here.
And I promised I'd follow.

So these words will come from the outpouring of our conversations.

Mine & HIS.

And maybe-- hopefully-- they will be a gift to you.

I'll tell you one thing:  HE really likes to talk.


  1. Cannot wait. This will be a blessing for sure. I'm glad you are doing this.

  2. Awesome. May God bless you with an extra measure of His Spirit, so that you may carry His words of life here and proclaim them fearlessly and faithfully.
